The Health Benefits Of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll (“khloros” = “light green”, “phylon” = “leaf”) is the vegetable pigment that makes up plants.

It was discovered by two French scientists in the early 19th century.

Chlorophyll allows photosynthesis, that is, the production of oxygen through water and sunlight.

Improves Blood Quality

It provides oxygen to the blood, stimulates the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells in anemic people, and promotes good blood circulation. Well-oxygenated cells allow the heart to work better.

Promotes Healing

Chlorophyll neutralizes bacteria and toxins that slow down the healing process. Thanks to its energizing power, it promotes tissue repair and healing, eliminates odors related to infections, relieves itching and irritation. It is used for external use directly on wounds.

Increases Immune Defenses

Bacteria have poor oxygen support. Thanks to the oxygen it contains, chlorophyll helps limit the growth of disease-causing bacteria.

It also regulates the acid-base balance by alkalizing the blood, which also slows down bacteria that become saturated with acid.

Reduces Hypertension

Chlorophyll lowers blood pressure by promoting blood circulation and thinning the blood through its supply of oxygen. Too high pressure in the arteries causes vascular accidents.

Therefore, it is especially recommended for people suffering from cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease or chronic stress.

It Has A Deodorizing Power

Chlorophyll, in its natural state, allows plants to fight mold by killing bacteria and fungi responsible for bad odors. In this way, it allows you to effectively fight bad breath. It is for this reason that it is used in many toothpastes.

It can be used as gum or as a liquid or spray to apply directly to the tongue.